Project Details:
Uniting our mobility expertise with environmental protection, we developed the Regional Signaling Plan of the Water Sources protection area of the municipalities of Grande ABC Region. More than half of the region's territory is located in water sources areas, which provide essential public water supply services, the largest of which is Represa Billings.
This plan aims to provide guidelines for the implementation of visual equipment to communicate effectively to the population that these areas have specific criteria of use and occupation, as well as the importance of their conservation, in addition to helping public managers make better decisions about cities.
To achieve these objectives, in addition to the elaboration of visual identity, we developed diagnostics of the region and conducted a perception survey with the population, analyzing the results in georeferenced maps, whose analysis subsidized the establishment of a regional signaling strategy that has an executive project and budget detailing for the implementation.
We seek the creation of a sense of belonging to these areas of great environmental value and the implementation of indicative signage in the water sources protection areas is fundamental for society to incorporate any environmental education actions.
This plan aims to provide guidelines for the implementation of visual equipment to communicate effectively to the population that these areas have specific criteria of use and occupation, as well as the importance of their conservation, in addition to helping public managers make better decisions about cities.
To achieve these objectives, in addition to the elaboration of visual identity, we developed diagnostics of the region and conducted a perception survey with the population, analyzing the results in georeferenced maps, whose analysis subsidized the establishment of a regional signaling strategy that has an executive project and budget detailing for the implementation.
We seek the creation of a sense of belonging to these areas of great environmental value and the implementation of indicative signage in the water sources protection areas is fundamental for society to incorporate any environmental education actions.